Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The National Day of Prayer

                                              THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER!

May 2, 2013 is this year's date for the National Day of Prayer. It is always the first Thursday in May. I pray God will bless us and empower His Church to come together on this day to intercede for our nation but also to search our hearts and evaluate our own walk with God.

It is easy to plan and organize a simple prayer event for your church, community, neighborhood, family etc. Visit the National Day of Prayer website for ideas and to register your event!

Here it is:  http://nationaldayofprayer.org/

"Dear Lord, search me and bring to the surface the dross that hinders my walk with You. Show me where I need to humble myself, repent of my sins, ask you to forgive me and turn back to You. Please God, give me the strength, the wisdom, the energy, the ability to live completely surrendered to You trusting absolutely that You have my back, that You want the best for me and are fully able and willing to empower me to live wide open, no holds barred and completely free in Christ Jesus. Help me to always remember and claim and rest in the truth that You dwell within all who have surrendered their lives to Christ. Give Your church a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit in the United States and all around the world. Sweep across the face of this nation, over our mountains and into our valleys and through our pastures and into our homes, churches, business, governments, courtrooms, colleges and universities, military and law enforcement installations, schools, playgrounds and streets dear God. Take this nation back in Your name!! Penetrate the alleys, the hotel rooms, the bedrooms and the deepest places in our souls and minds and hearts and purge the filth, the blasphemy, the vulgarity, the injustice, the crime, the hatred, the angst, the misery, the worry and the fear. Cleanse us Lord and make us white as snow. Heal this nation oh Balm of Gilead. Correct the mindset that has positioned itself against You. Destroy the lies of the enemy that have people confused about what gender they are or why You created them. Destroy the lies of evolution which have convinced generations of young people that they are no more important or valuable than animals. Tear down the bastions of abortion, pornography and child abuse like the walls of Jericho. Flow through the veins and the marrow of the drug abuser and the alcoholic and those addicted to gambling, food, sex, pornography and anything else that hinders our walks with You and replace these with Your power, Your love and Your peace and joy. May we rise on the wings of the wind as You lift us to soar like eagles above all of these temporary troubles with our eyes fixed upon Jesus Christ and our hope in You. We ask all these things in the name of our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus the Christ. He is risen! God willing, America too will rise again! Amen."

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